
Personal care products are available from many sources, but the best quality products are those carried at professional establishments like ours. Don't be fooled by imitations and imposters. To ensure you receive a consistent, exceptional quality product, be sure to purchase your goods from authorized salon professionals. Experience the difference by using the fine products we use everyday and make available for purchase by our clients. we can recommend just the right product to meet your needs.

The only cosmetics enterprise indigenous to the Dead Sea region, AHAVA is driven by a deep passion to unearth the secrets of the revitalizing effects of minerals on the skin. Our dedicated scientific approach has helped us to acquire an unrivaled expertise on the subject, which has culminated in the development of an international network for ongoing academic research. Moreover, we have translated this deep knowledge base into a series of superior skincare product lines, based exclusively on the rich resources of this magical region.

BIOFREEZE products are a unique, effective pain reliever formulated to provide a variety of benefits for therapy, pain relief, exercise/training and overall comfort. BIOFREEZE products contain ILEX, an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub. ILEX is used around the world in various health & wellness formulations. BIOFREEZE topical analgesic does not use waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum. The result is a fast-acting, penetrating, long lasting pain reliever

Bioelements is a complete system of skin care and makeup that can be freshly customized for your skin's needs. And we mean what we say. No gimmicks, no hype and no false promises. They are professional skin care experts dedicated to keeping your skin clean, clear, calm and young- looking. Just the way it should be.
Skin For Life
At Skin for Life, we have incorporated a cutting-edge technology, by integrating LSS™ (Life Sustaining System) with our Skin for Life professional skin care products. Scientific research has determined that by using our own antimicrobial peptides to enhance our defenses within our epidermal layers, we may integrate particular components into our skin care to promote long-term skin results.